Thursday, July 12, 2012

Vegetarian: Week One

Vegetarian Week One:

Vegetarian is not really that hard, I was a vego for 2 years or so in my late teens. There was not a real driving force behind it other than curiosity and to prove that I could. This transition is going to be the easiest as up and down the road where I work there are Vegetarian, Vegan, Hare Krishna and Indian places to eat.

Whats more fascinating is that I'm kind of in training for a diet a few months from now. Vegetarian this month, No-Dairy next month and then after that the big one - Vegan. I suspect that one will suck majorly and hence I'm kind of in training for it. So I have been a vego for 4 days now and other than wanting to try the Crack Pie from Hard Luck Cafe, I haven't really had to think too hard about it. I eat salads and vegetables more anyway, and when I was eating meat I was not consuming that much of it as I fill up very quickly.

The return of carbs to my diet in the afternoon/evening has almost created a zero sum in that the meat has gone so they kind of balance out.

On the too much information side though my weight has now reduced by another kilo, clocking in at 103.2 kilos this morning, down from 104.0 last night. However since losing a bit of weight an reducing my intake considerably and for better foods, my regular toilet schedule has changed. Where it was very regular on a daily basis, the frequency has halved and my body seems to be expelling less. The weight loss pattern now staggers around the expelling of waste as well as a general reduction as my diet has improved markedly. So some days I stay the same and 2 or 3 times a week I make a jump down (or should that be dump?).

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