Thursday, July 19, 2012

Vegetarian: Week Two

Vegetarian - Week Two. This seems like the easiest and least impactive of the diets I have trialled so far. It's not hard in the slightest and seems to come with no cravings, no losses or issues attached.

Simply removing meat is not hard at all. I was a vegetarian for a year or two when I was in my late teens, and I don't even think about it.

I have kept up with a reduced sugar, carb and snack regimen - but without removing these things entirely. I don't bother snacking after dinner any more and a cup of tea is about it for me generally. I did have a small salted popcorn when at the movies the other night, but only because it was free with La Premiere. They offered me a free drink as well but I just went water.

I was 102.8 Kilos this morning and was finally able to fit the t-shirt you see above.

I bought this on sale for $99 in Sydney over 10 years ago and it has NEVER fitted me. I bought it thinking that one day it might because I loved the shirt design that much (That's John Coltrane if you don't know) and it was half price at $99 - the most I have ever spent on what is basically a t-shirt.

I have been trying it on once a week for the last 6 weeks or so and this morning when I put it on it felt like it fit properly and I did not feel like a sausage in it.

Aspirational clothing, this is the one I wanted more than anything else.

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