Monday, May 7, 2012

Sugar Free Week 4

End of Week 4 and I finally bought some scales in the weekend. The last time I weighed myself (which was several months ago) I was over 126 kilos, and now (as shown above) I am 116.7

Sugar Free certainly seems to be having a positive effect. I have one more day off the sugar and then on Thursday I'll be starting a new month and a new diet.

The next effort will be twofold, well from here on in I will be watching my sugar intake regardless and keeping it under the RDI for sugar every day.

From Thursday onwards I'll be having zero calories after 7 pm each night and seeing what the effect of that is.

I'll do a final weigh in on Thursday morning and set that as the bench mark for the next diet effect.

Feeling good right now and that's motivation to keep going, I don't feel the need to count down to when I have sugar-rich foods again. I'd like to think that my first brush with sugar will be random and not planned, but it is top of mind right now.


  1. Hi Wayne,
    I watched your interview in the Today Show with much interest. Congratulations on your amazing transformation.
    Just wondering if you could share a sugar free day menu, ie what did you have for breakfast? What about raw sugar, honey or Maple syrup?
    I'm wanting to cut down on my sugar as my mother has diebetes. Anyway would appreaciate any help in this matter.
    Again, congratulations on your success.
    Sincerely, Kristine Lloyd

    1. Hey Kristine, thanks for your congrats!

      At first I really struggled with sugar free - not for the obvious reasons but the hidden sugar factors in so much processed food.

      I was not eating a regular breakfast back then when I did this so I don't have much to say about then.

      Right now I am doing completely Sugar Free again for the last 2 weeks of my year of diets in conjunction with some of the other highlights of my year of research into diets.

      What I have been having for breakfast recently is fresh fruit. Fresh fruit does of course have sugar in it and that is fructose which is acceptable (though the pulpy type of juice is better than the clear/strained kind).

      I personally would not add raw sugar, honey or maple syrup - but my point was to remove it all together (with the exception of existing fructose in fruit).

      The biggest trap I saw was not identifying the obvious ones but all the hidden ones in sauces and breads and even potato chips and other flavoured/processed foods that have sugar added in.

      My best advice is to find what works for you and stick to it - I got there by tackling loads of little goals, literally one diet at a time, rather than looking at the big goal all the time.

      My meals when sugar free focused meal and veg without any sauces or processed elements and I felt better within a few weeks of just doing that.

      Hope that helps.


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