Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Zero After Seven Week Two

End of Week Two and I have been still losing weight - which is a good sign.

I have kept my sugar intake low and have cut all intake after 7 pm.

On occasion this becomes a problem when working late or out at other peoples places for dinner. The weight fluctuations are interesting as I have been plotting myself throughout the day and night regarding weight changes. Lowest weight is in the morning (after bowel and bladder evacuations) and it goes up and down by a range of a kilo and a half over the day. So where I was 113.6 last night I was 112.3 the next morning. Then as I eat and move about the weight comes back on and raises during the day and starts to subside again at night, with the most significant loss being overnight.

I suspect that going forward what I'll do - much like reducing the sugar intake - is cut out all evening snacking instead of having a hard and fast time limit.

So regardless of when dinner is - keep dinner and desert as the last thing I eat and no more snacks in the evening or night.

Meanwhile clothes getting looser, weight receding towards 100 kilos and self esteem rising.

Current lowest weight recorded 112.3 Kgs

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