Wednesday, June 20, 2012

No Carbs After Lunch Week Two

Weighed myself this morning and was 107.9 so thats 18 kilos so far, and if you want to see what 18 kilos missing looks like - see above. May 2011 on the left and this morning on the right. I've had to retire a belt, some pants and other items of clothing (no tent jokes please) and while that is the most unflattering pic I could find, it's good not being that big or unhealthy...

No Carbs After Lunch end of Week 2.

Well it's not that hard to remove carbohydrates, per se - it's more a matter of what do you put in it's place. So far the only real challenge is for Max as she thinks about salads and vegetables so I'm not just eating meat during the week. During weekends when I cook it's a bit easier to plan and avoid carbs for after lunch.

Snacking in the evening has not made much of an appearance, though if I do have a snack it will be a fruit based one. Well into my third week now and dinners seem to be getting smaller with my appetite, I start to struggle to finish a large meal and so I just stop and the leftovers go for lunch. I still have carbs with lunch, like chips or rice or whatever - but all the dietary changes I have been making around sugar, timing and carbs are all adding up.

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