Saturday, March 2, 2013

Raw Food: Week Four

Raw Food: Week Four.

Raw Food continues to be an effective weight loss tool with around 4-5 kgs lost so far this diet. You can see progression as above. I have a silly grin on my face because of what Max was saying to me - though having seen the amount I have lost (40 kilos total now) I have earned a smile or three...

A little earlier this week I hit 86.7 - an all time low, and while I have risen slightly from that (yo yo -ing weight during the week is expected) I am trending down still and heading towards seeing 86 regularly or even lower by the end of this diet. Considering I was over 126 kilos to start with (see above) I am amazed how fast and well this process has worked.

This diet ends a week from now and I will be very glad to see the end of it. Not because it makes me hungry, but more for the psychological effects of not having any hot food. I'm not craving any one thing more than anything else but I would like to have any of the following (in no particular order); Hot Chips, Rare Steak w/ Blue Cheese Sauce, a Nandos Extra Hot Burger or a Cup of Tea and Biscuits. I doubt I could eat all of these in one sitting though a year ago I could well have done.

This time next week I will be on my final diet, the 8-hour rule. Once I start eating for the day I have an 8-hour window within which I can eat and then after that I stop until the next day. AKA the 16 hour fast, 2/3rds of the day fasting, the other 3/rd eating. (Hopefully not too much).

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