Saturday, March 23, 2013

The 8 Hour Rule: Week Two

The 8 Hour Rule: Week Two

Ok so it's been an odd week, I have been on the 8 hour rule for two weeks now though it feels like a lifetime ago since I was on Raw Food.

As a diet I think it CAN be effective, the issue is really related to what you do with the other 8 hours. In the last two weeks I have gone from 85.6 to 88 to 85.7 to 87.2 and a few in between.

I'm pretty sure that the idea is sound, that if you eat early and finish early then you'll avoid the habits that can lead to bad intake and weight gain. I have found in earlier diets that time of day is key, but it really is balanced by the quality and quantity of what you put in to the machine (your body) in the hours you are eating.

So in combination with a content related diet you can use the 8 hour rule to good effect. If you just use it on it's own it'll likely give you a stasis where you can maintain your weight. If you really want to lose the excess you have to concentrate on the type and content of your diet alongside the the timing benefits of fasting of containing intake.

I'd quite like to finish the year as close to my BMI as possible.

That means 2-4 kilos in the next 2-3 weeks.

This is certainly achievable if I maintain the the 8-hour rule with a largely Raw/Vegan type regime.

I am not going to go the whole hog on Raw/Vegan, but maybe 75% of my diet can be focused on eating unprocessed fresh foods and then have a little fish or chicken to supplement my week.

Then in a few weeks we'll see.

The other thing that happened this week is the TV appearance, so if you're reading this then you'll know all about this already. So many people have asked me when/if I was going to write a diet book based on my diet(s)/experiences. I never really considered this as a serious proposition until the TV show came knocking and it turns out loads of people are interested.

And now I am too. Maybe there is something to this experience. I haven't taken this that seriously - or at least not in my own view, everyone else seems to think it's a triumph of will power and determination, I think I am the only who sees it the other way. It's not a big achievement to me, it's 12 little ones.

Giving something up for 30 days is not that big a deal to me, but when you add 12 consecutive smaller achievements together you get something greater than the sum of it's parts.

So my next blog I had been planning to do anyway - set myself a do-able goal that would focus on creative output rather than big goals (like write a book, write a series of books, learn a language etc...) my next goal will be an easy one (for me anyway) write 1,000 words a day for a year.

I did the Nanowrimo challenge in November and in 30 days managed a single 72,000 word manuscript and it did not seem hard when broken down to the word total per day. So thats my next thing, a minimum daily output of 1,000 words a day.

Starting with a book about the last year of my life and losing a third of my weight.

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