Friday, March 15, 2013

The 8-Hour Rule: Week One

The 8-Hour Rule: Week One.

So as expected I put on a couple fo KGs at the end of the Raw food month. I did not exactly go crazy and I did feel sick the first few days as my bowels adjusted to the regular diet again. However after a couple of days I settled down and the extra weight started coming off again. I went as high as 88 KGs (still well lower than when I started the Raw Diet) and as at today am back to 86 KGs - less than a kilo up from the lowest low of the high 85's. This is good as I am back to the 40 KG weight loss, and I felt like I need to be on the under side of that mark for a while. It'd be a waste if I did all this work and then only dipped under it for a few weeks.

The photo above is me in a pair of jeans I was wearing a year ago and were tight around the waist, they were the biggest pair I still have left. I did have some FAT clothes that I wore to my sister in laws wedding on February last year, including a shirt I had to buy as none of my existing ones fit me without making me lok like a sausage. I suspect if I find that I will look like I am wearing a Kaftan or a small Tent.

On the other news front I am going into TVNZ next week to film a segment on my diet plan for the Today Show on Channel 9 in Australia. A good friend of mine pitched the story of my novel approach to dieting - i.e. a different diet every month and they were interested. So I spoke to them on the phone and they asked me pretty much what everyone asks; Where did the idea come from, which diet is the most effective, what was the hardest to do?

So at 9:45 on Tuesday morning I take me and my fat pants to the studio where I assume they will ask me those questions and we'll see how it goes.

It does put me in mind to do what a bunch of people have suggested and write a book about my experiences, not a diet book per se but a book about a someone setting small goals and adding them up to a big one. It's have to be humorous - can't imagine anything too earnest or serious - I would never read that, but I would read a funny one.

3 more weeks until the end of my year of dieting.

After all this I won't be putting it all back on again, my tastes and my outlook have changed and I will watch what I eat and how I exercise from here on out.

I will never buy a size up again.

I'd rather die(t).

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